I’m Lisa (Lissy), a late-thirties T-Girl who has been living her best life in the best city in the world (my opinion) for the best part of 20 years.

I’ve recently found my voice for writing, thanks to a gorgeous friend of mine (who I have been VERY intimate with). So, I’ve decided to start sharing all my experiences with the idea that they might amuse, entertain, arouse, and inspire you.

Some of it is hidden behind a commitment wall (trust me, I am worth it), but even if you don’t want to get that intimate access to me, I promise you won’t regret stumbling upon my little corner of the world.

So, what can you expect?

Stories from my past, an in-depth look at my journey and how I ‘found myself,’ EXTREMELY X-rated content if you slide past my wall 😉 and commentary on the world as it exists now.

A word of warning: I don’t conform to stereotypes. I don’t even really conform to gender specifics, if I’m honest. So, expect to be challenged and excited at the same time!

You might not always agree with me, but I hope and pray that through my writing, you can understand WHY I feel what I feel and know it all comes from a place of love.

I think you’ve had just enough of me for now (as delicious as I am). I’ll be back to explain my love affair with beautiful shoes in a couple of days.

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a big sloppy kiss and a cheeky pinch of the bum—you gorgeous creature!

Lissy xxx