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Beneath The Lights…

London nights hold a kind of magic—a mix of chaos, charm, and possibility. Here’s a playful ode to the city, where every glance and every breeze tells a story waiting to unfold.

Those London lights

That shine SO bright

To guide me on

Into the night

The buzz in the air,

Wind whipping my hair,

Taxis race by,

Rushing for fares.

The promise of joy,

Deliciously without care,

A freedom so sweet,

To lay myself bare.

A stranger’s glance,

A promise, a chance?

Those electric sparks

And their subtle dance.

Could this night be

The one that sees

My roaming heart

Finally find what it needs

Winds of Change….

🌬️ When the winds of change begin to blow… 🌟
Sometimes life shakes us, paths bend, and storms rage. But through it all, there’s hope. Here’s a little something I wrote to remind us all of the beauty that can come from change:

When the winds of change begin to blow,
Some doors will close, but others grow.
The ground may shake, the path may bend,
But every storm finds its end.

In times of trial, when we need a guide,
Do not dwell where fears reside.
Your track might change, but that’s okay,
A strong spirit will light your way.

When you feel undone, just take your time,
Don’t fear your thoughts, redraw the line.
You own your journey, choose your reaction,
And let each step stir new action.

You will get through, you will survive,
And one day look back with wiser eyes.
This time of change, though hard to see,
Will shape the person you’re meant to be.

So stand up tall, believe your worth,
Head held high as you go forth.
And as the winds begin to still,
Your heart will soar, your dreams fulfilled.

🌈 Change isn’t easy, but it’s beautiful. Whatever storm you’re facing, know that it’s shaping you for brighter days ahead. 💖

💬 What inspires you to embrace change? Let me know in the comments below! 🌟

The Conversation…

Transitioning doesn’t just change us; it ripples through the lives of those we love. This poem reflects the vulnerability and courage it takes to navigate those conversations—raw, heartfelt, and honest. It’s a love letter to connection and the hope for understanding, even in the face of change.

I need to speak, to let you know:
There’s someone inside me that needs to grow,
to spread her wings and be on show.

How do I tell you?
Where do we go?
What are the words?
I still don’t know.

I know it’s going to hurt.
But how can I be true to you
when I can’t be true to me?

Did I plan this?
Years ago, did I already know?

Have I wasted your life living a lie?
Was it fair to make that tie?

So please, sit with me.
I want to do the best for you, but I don’t know how.
Can you stand with me and see this out,
or should I go and set you free?

It’s not your fault—it’s always me.
I know I’m breaking this life as “we.”
I just hope and pray you can forgive,
and your heart can heal with time.

So now, to you:
What will you choose?
Where will our futures develop to be?

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